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Learn How To Use WooCommerce To Make a Better Online Store

WooCommerce is an open-source, completely customizable eCommerce platform for business people around the world. Although WooCommerce is a plugin when combined with WordPress’ long list of options and capabilities, it makes an e-commerce platform worthy of being considered alongside Magento, Shopify, LemonStand, Volusion, PrestaShop, Mozu, and similar.

There are at least seven features that make WooCommerce a compelling e-commerce platform.

1. WordPress
WooCommerce’s relationship — dependence on — WordPress is its most prominent quality.
If you need to add a YouTube video to WooCommerce products, simply put the video’s URL into the product description, and it will automatically show up in the post.
WooCommerce gets this inbuilt feature because of its relationship with WordPress. There might be lots of examples that further this point, including how WordPress manages media, version control, or similar.

2. Content Marketing
Content marketing is the act of creating and advertising useful, valuable content for the purpose of building relationships with the people who could eventually become loyal customers.
Since WooCommerce is built around a publishing platform, it tends to be significantly more firmly coordinated with content marketing strategies. You don’t have a store and a blog, you’ve got a store with a blog built-in.

3. Shortcodes
WooCommerce comes with many shortcodes for adding product and e-commerce-related substance to pages or posts. These shortcodes invoke a function, which adds content. WooCommerce shortcodes can be utilized to insert order tracking information, user account data, change password information, edit user accounts, show recent or featured products, or show individual products.

4. Ease of Use
WooCommerce and WordPress are exceedingly easy to use.
For example, WooCommerce and WordPress can be installed in your system and running in ten minutes or less. In fact, even somebody completely unknown with the procedure would have to move slow to take ten minutes. Almost everything in WooCommerce just works the way you would expect it to.

5. Superior Flexibility
WooCommerce and WordPress are quite flexible. Developers have entire control of WooCommerce features and functions. Nearly anything that you suppose to do here is possible. Creators have control over style, page layout, and responsiveness. At last, thanks to the many WooCommerce themes, even somebody with no prior experience can get an attractive WooCommerce-powered site.

6. Extensibility
WooCommerce, and WordPress underlying it, also shares a feature with many modern e-commerce platforms in that it is extensible, meaning it can be extended. Without exaggeration, there are tens of thousands of plugins accessible for WordPress, and hundreds, if not thousands, of plugins for WooCommerce, aimed at extending its usefulness.

7. Community
WooCommerce is part of the WordPress community that broadens worldwide. This means that there are also thousands of other users sharing your experiences, asking questions, and working on how to improve the platform. Merchants who choose to use WooCommerce benefit from this shared experience and the improvements it brings.

Just a few years ago, there were really only a handful of good options for small e-commerce businesses, but now you have solutions like WooCommerce, Ecwid, LemonStand, Magento, Shopify, and many, many more.
Take the time to find the right e-commerce platform for your business. But know that WooCommerce is one of the solutions that deserves your consideration.

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