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The Ultimate Guide To Android App Development For Beginners

In this world of Smartphones and tech gadgets, learning to develop an android app is vital for software developers. But the task is certainly not easy and requires a lot of hard work and dedication. However, once you get a grip on the basics, it will open a world of opportunities. In this blog, we will give you the ultimate guide to android app development for beginners. Let’s go.

Get the Tools Required For App Development :-

You need all the necessary software required for android app development on your desktop. For example, you need tools like Android SDK and Android studio. To make your work a bit easier, you can find these two software under a bundle available for download. Android Studio is an IDK (Integrated Development Environment) tool. It provides an interface to its users to write codes in Java or Kotlin and access all the tools for the app development. With Android Studio, you can also get access to all APIs and libraries from Android SDK.

Open A New Project :-

After installing the Android Studio on your computer, it’s time to start a new project. The procedure is very simple, but you need to make a few choices that’ll help to shape the app development process. So, go to File < New < New Project from there, you have to select a project template. It will set the UI and code element in your app whenever it loads. The next thing you have to decide is that whether you will write your code on Java or Kotlin. Both Google and Android Studio officially supports Java and Kotlin.

Know The Files Very Well :-

Sometimes, the available information on the Android Studio can easily confuse you. In some cases, beginners can get baffled and overwhelmed with all the folders, types of codes, and more. So, we recommend you take time and study the individual files and folders. It will give you proper knowledge and understanding of how everything works. For example, Gradle is a tool that bundles up all your files into APK for testing.

Give Your App A Test Run :-

After you got used to all the different files and folders, just create an app to say “Hello World”. It is one of the most common codes that developers write after they start working on a new programming language. If you are wondering how to run it, well, Android Studio already has an Android emulator. Therefore, once you click on the green arrow, your app gets launched. So, if the app successfully runs and shows the message, congratulations; you have successfully developed your first app.

Keep Practicing :-

The Best way to master the art of app development on Android is by doing it time and time again. For starters, once your “Hello World” is running successfully, you can change it to “Your Name”. Or, you can even go for some interactive statements with the help of user input. For example, you can let the user decide which button to click to give the correct answer.


Android app development is not a skill that you can master overnight. Just like everything in life, this also requires perseverance, hard work, and dedication. However, if you’re wondering where to start, this blog content can be your stepping stone in the world of Android.

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How to Identify A Computer Virus And Defend Yourself

Has your computer become too slow and is acting a bit odd? Are you losing your sleep over fixing the issue but can’t really figure out what’s wrong? If this is your scenario then the computer might have got virus.

Once a computer detects virus, it starts showing signs like slow performance, frequent pop-ups, or even data lose. But how do you identify a computer virus and defend yourself? Well, that’s what we’ll discuss in this article.

What Is A Computer Virus?

A computer virus is a type of program that successfully modifies other applications with its code. If the execution process is done right, the modified areas of that application are known as infected areas. They often damage the software and steal your personal information stored in that software. Generally, more than thousands of computers get affected by viruses and malware every year.

How To Detect A Virus In Your Computer?

The following signs will help you identify a virus in your computer.

Performance Level Drops

As we mentioned earlier, a virus can easily hamper your computer’s performance levels drastically. For instance, your machine can take 2 hours to copy a 50MB file.

Spams And Pop-Ups

Spams and pop-ups are some of the prominent red flags. Whenever you visit a dicey website, pop-ups can easily install harmful malware. Hackers use spam and pop-ups to hijack personal information like credit card details, passwords, and many more.

Unable To Gain Access To Some Files

In some cases, a virus can prevent you from accessing some files on your own computer. It can also stop you from performing certain actions like log off, power off, and more.

Security Software Failure

Often, when a computer gets affected by a virus, your security software or antivirus program stops running. It is a primary sign to confirm your computer has a virus or malware.

Changes In Your Homepage

Sometimes, a virus can easily change all the settings on your homepage. For example, your homepage browser is changed, shortcut files, browsing errors, and more.

How to Defend Your Computer From Virus Attacks?

The following points will help you defend your computer from virus attacks.

Perform Security And Virus Scans In Regular Interval

To prevent virus attacks, perform security and virus scans at regular intervals. This will routine clean all the malware and virus from your computer.

Changes Passwords 

Use strong passwords that meet requirements like symbols, alphabets, numbers, uppercase, and lowercase letters. Also, try changing them in regular intervals to prevent yourself from getting hacked.

Use Good Antivirus Software

Using antivirus software is probably one of the best ways you can prevent virus attacks. They always monitor your computer and will notify you instantly about any suspicious activity.

Download From Trusted Sites Only

Always download from reputable and trusted websites. Thus, the chances of getting a virus with your downloaded files gets thin.

Use Pop-Up Blocker Extension

A pop-up blocker is a great way to block unwanted ads. We recommend you to avoid clicking on pop-ups. So, the chances of malware and virus attacks also decrease.

Update Antivirus 

This is perhaps the most important part of keeping your antivirus relevant. If you don’t update, the software won’t handle all new viruses in the market.


Virus attacks are real, and they can easily damage files, hack your personal information, and crash your operating system. So, while preparing to save your computer from virus attacks, this article will surely help you out.

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